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14 posts tagged with "opencost"

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· 2 min read
Matt Ray

It’s been a busy start to the year. We’re excited to announce that OpenCost is now a FinOps Certified Solution. The FinOps Foundation has certified OpenCost because it delivers Kubernetes cloud cost monitoring, a specific part of cloud cost management. According to Vas Markanastasakis, Principal at the FinOps Foundation: "Our focus at the FinOps Foundation is helping advance the people and the practice of cloud financial management. OpenCost's vendor-neutral open source project shares that focus." We look forward to helping more practitioners in the community and working with the FinOps Foundation to drive open standards.


There's even more news!

· 2 min read
Matt Ray

OpenCost UI

The OpenCost UI is now available as a user-friendly interface for managing Kubernetes cloud costs. It allows users to easily monitor and visualize their cloud spend, making it easier to reduce Kubernetes costs while improving efficiency.

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